Tuesday, January 24, 2012

WooHoo! Just submitted a 500,000.00 grant. Wish us luck!!! :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Way to Go!

So proud of my previous doc students who are presenting dissertation findings this weekend.... You guys are going to amaze everyone with your incredible presentation and, of course, those really cool "new" business cards..... Way to go docs!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

When You Least Expect It

Doors seem to close on you when you least expect it, but how amazing is it that within minutes new opportunities come your way? There is no doubt in my mind who is looking over me :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Movie Time with the Girls :)

Yummy Ice Cream!

We did it... the girls decided to make some ice cream in a bag and it was delicious- yummy chocolate...

Undergraduate Research Team

I am so impressed with our undergraduate research team at SHSU. They just completed a HUGE data collection project and were amazing! They were professional, efficient and a ton of fun to be with. Here is a picture of them after a very long ride back in a SHSU van...